"Navigating Stress"
How To Find Calm During Stressful Times
Author : Joy Langley

Discover simple & Actionable Strategies To Tackle Stress

This book was written during the sad and uncertain times of the global pandemic in 2020. Stress levels were through the roof. And across the globe no one knew how to stop the spread of the killer Covid virus.  

I was excited to do my bit to help - publishers Trigger UK invited me to share my perspective  as a stress management therapist  - and I said "yes !"
This easy reader talks about the symptoms of stress, situations that stress us, and what steps  you can take to navigate it by crafting your own unique solution.

Available on Amazon and all good book retailers.

...find the steps and strategies that help you  move from stress to strength & handle challenges with greater confidence

  • An easy reader you can follow along at your own pace. 
  • Combining  the basic neuroscience of stress & anxiety, with practical can-do advice.
  •   “...There is no one size fits all solution.” Mix and match  ideas and strategies to suit your needs.
  • Analyse what situations push your buttons! Build and track your own psychological strength metrics. 
  • Build your personalised solution. 
  • Drop the shame & guilt so you can stop feeling 'bad' about yourself.

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