Positive Mind Mastery

Find Solutions To Your Negative Thoughts Emotions & Actions. Find Out How They Fuel Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm

Feel mentally & emotionally stronger.
Be more focused & confident under pressure.

Are you experiencing any of these problems? 

  • Worrying too much, about everything and anything 
  • A desire to escape, avoid situations or hide 
  • Not sleeping much or can’t seem to wake up or get out of bed 
  • Impulsiveness & dumbness ….. (not thinking straight) 
  • Confusion & poor concentration … (not sure if you are coming or going) 
  • A desire to fight your way out of a situation (aggressive, irritable, short-tempered)) 
  • Being unsociable, not seeing friends, (Isolating yourself)

What would it be like to reduce the dangerous build-up of daily frustration, anxiety and stressy moments experienced from being around your boss, co-workers, family and romantic partners?
Right this minute stress negative thoughts are stopping you having your best life. And don’t we all want a life filled with health, wealth and love?

When you master the skills and feel confident about neutralising stressy harmful negative thoughts, your whole world becomes more enjoyable, fun and rewarding.

Hi … I am Joy Langley

And I’m a therapist and stress management coach from the UK.  

After 15 years of doing this professionally for men and women, I’ve created a unique approach that weaves psychological strategies, cognitive behavioural tools, stories and images into the conversations.  

We are in relationships with other people all the time, yet we can feel under attack a lot of the time which triggers the ‘stress response.’ I’m talking about every day situations that feel like emotional, mental and spiritual attacks.  

These minor irritations to raging blow-outs put us on permanent edge, and we get so used to it that we stop being aware of the dangers and the  build up of the micro-stressors. (missing the train, argument with your partner, bad news from the Doctor etc)  

What would it be like to feel super confident that you have the tools and strategies to stay cool and recover quickly from emotional, mental and spiritual volcanic eruptions.  

So you can get back to a life full of excitement, joy & challenges OR calm self-reflection and inner peace? 

Start the journey to your ‘Happy Place’ TODAY!

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Positive Mind Mastery


  • Feel mentally & emotionally stronger

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Course Curriculum

miss langley

Super Helpful!

 My biggest takeaway from the mini course is recognizing how negative thoughts are such a huge contributor to stress. I’ve been my own worst critic and that is not helpful.

The work your doing is much needed and appreciated. Thanks again for helping people gain awareness and improve their lives. You’ve touched my life to be sure! ❤️

Nicole Larsen  

I really struggled before the course - now I have found that I am much more kinder to myself, the course has enabled me to regain a belief in me that I never thought I had!!!! Thanks so much!!! 

Kavina Kamat

Loved it

Great course really loved the way you explained the effects of stress and how to recognise and manage it...

I will never think of a simple cup of TEA in quite the same way!

Cant wait for the next one.

Trisha Langley

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Positive Mind Mastery


  • Feel mentally & emotionally stronger

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